Over Night RV Rules and Fees
Georgia Jets members may bring recreational vehicles to the flying site as long as they agree to
the following conditions:
Prior to using the flying site, members must post a general email to
members@georgiajets.org stating the date and intended length of stay at the site.
Non-members with recreational vehicles may use the site as long as they are accompanied and sponsored by a current member. The sponsoring member is responsible
for all actions of their guest including following these rules and ensuring all fees have been paid.
All rules as in section 2.3.7 of the club bylaws pertaining to visitor use apply.
RV's must be parked at one of the numbered electrical stations.
Water is available near the electrical stations but used only to fill tanks. When fill up is complete, disconnect from the hose bib and turn off water at the pavilion.
There will be no dumping anywhere on Georgia Jets property.
The normal fee per night is $15 for members and $30 per night for visitors. Special event fees such as Super Jet South will be determined by and payment made to the event CD. This fee
applies to all RV use at the field even if the RV was not hooked up to the electrical system. Fees must be promptly paid via the
PayPal donations link on the website or via check made out
to Georgia Jets and mailed to the Treasurer.